Monday, August 13, 2012

Picture and video links from 08/09/2012

Sorry I’m late in posting this…..
I headed back up to Lake Superior on the 9th of August…..I was watching the forecasting computer models over the last few days and saw there was a likely hood of some wave action…The morning of the 9th I checked a few web cams from up around the Duluth area…Superior was still calm… I got everything packed into my truck (office) and headed North… On the way North I ran into some rather strong thunderstorms from time to time….I knew then the backdoor cold front was close to where I was at and had already pushed through the head of Lake Superior, which was a good thing as I knew the Northeast winds were picking up there….
I got up to the head of Lake Superior around 12:17 PM or so….Waves still not that big, but looking out at the lake I could see that was about to change, and it sure did!
Here some links for the videos.
Pictures below....